This week I added support for -
in identifiers, reworked the array and object
index notation (again, but this time with an even better reasoning than last
weeks), introduced something i call known function interface - KFI
short for exposing go functions into the sophia runtime and I have a lot of
features and improvements planned some of which I will outline at the end.
Support for ‘-’ in identifiers ##
I like the possibilites S-Expressions bring to language expression, such as
allowing -
in identifiers. Therefore I added support for -
in identifiers to the lexer:
1;; mock hash
2(fun fnv-1a (_ string)
3 (len string))
4(println (fnv-1a "Hello World")) ;; 11
Reworked array and object index notation (V2) ##
Read about my second try of getting array and object indexing right - hopefully the last time :^).
The First Problem ###
Last week I introduced a pretty nasty bug, caused by the lexer not being able
to correctly tokenize (println array.2.0)
(maybe correct, but not in the way
we want it to):
The expression results in the following token stream:
Tokentype | Raw |
TOKEN_IDENT | println |
TOKEN_IDENT | array |
This is absolutly not what we want, our parser now thinks we want to access the
array at position 2 instead of accessing the first element of the array element
at position 2 of the original array
The Second Problem ###
The simple solution is to use a different way of indexing into arrays, I mean it works for objects right?
Sadly it doesn’t - consider the following:
1(let object { name: "xnacly" skill: 0 })
2(let keys "name" "skill")
3(for (_ i) keys
4;; how do we dynamically access the keys of the object?
5 (println "what am i doing?"))
The catch being - we can’t use our previous object index notation for accessing object fields dynamically and thats a feature i really want.
Even if we were to change the notation for array indexing we would still not be able to access objects in a nice way and we would have two notations for a pretty similar operation, like JavaScript does it:
1let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
3let object = { name: "xnacly", skill: 0 };
5// or
I do not want two ways to do the same thing, thus I though about ways to make
indexing as intuitive as possible and came to the conclusion: Why not simply
discard the object.field
notation and only use object["field"]
? That way the language has a consistent feel for indexing and we
solved our lexer issues.
The cautios reader will have noticed this syntax change will cause some problems regarding array creation. Don’t worry, I will lay out the mitigation in the following chapter.The solution ###
I took inspiration from the previous mentioned dynamic JavaScript object index
syntax and of course took a look at python, that uses the same syntax but also
omits the object.field
notation, similar to what i want to implement:
1obj = {
2 "name": "xnacly",
3 "skill": 0,
So I changed the parser and now object and array index notation is awesome and id say more redable than before:
1(let object {
2 workers: #[ ;; new array declaration syntax
3 { name: "drone1" efficiency: 0.25 }
4 { name: "drone2" efficiency: 0.55 }
5 ]
8;; accessing an object field by a known key:
9(println object["workers"])
11;; accessing an object field dynamically:
12(let field "whatever")
13(println object[field]) ;; results in <nil>
15;; nested array and object access:
16(println object["workers"][1]["name"]) ;; results in "drone2"
I also again improved the error messages for indexing, see 4ed459e.
Reworked array creation ##
I reworked array declaration because I need the []
for the previously
introduced syntax feature, thus I switched from
1(let arr [1 2 3 4])
To prefixing array creation with #
1(let arr #[1 2 3 4])
Arrays are now treated as primitives and can be included in object definitions:
1(let person {
2 name: "xnacly"
3 skill: 0.0
4 stats: #[
5 {
6 name: "health"
7 value: 0.75
8 }
9 {
10 name: "saturation"
11 value: 0.75
12 }
13 ]
15(println person["name"] "stats:")
16(for (_ stat) person["stats"]
17 (println stat["name"] stat["value"]))
This enables the parser to distinguish between array access and array declaration.
Somewhat of a foreign function interface ##
pims on lobster asked for a very cool feature:
Not sure if you’re open to feature requests, but exposing host functions, similar to wasm/lua/etc. would be great. One could write most of the logic in Sophia but hook into the extensive go ecosystem when needed.
~ pims, link
As I am always open to suggestions and didn’t even think about exposing functions written in Go into the sophia runtime before, I got to work.
KFI is a pun on FFI, because we know our functions, their signature and their body and they must be defined in the same binary the sophia language runtime is embedded in.For starters I rewrote the expr.Call.Eval()
method to include a fast path for
executing built ins, simply because Go manages argument assignment, stack
management, scoping, etc. thus we can omit that:
1// core/expr/Call.go
2func (c *Call) Eval() any {
3 storedFunc, ok := consts.FUNC_TABLE[c.Key]
4 if !ok {
5 serror.Add(c.Token, "Undefined function", "Function %q not defined", c.Token.Raw)
6 serror.Panic()
7 }
9 def, ok := storedFunc.(*Func)
10 if !ok {
11 // this branch is hit if a function is not of type *Func which only
12 // happens for built ins, thus the cast can not fail
13 function, _ := storedFunc.(func(token *token.Token, args ...types.Node) any)
14 return function(c.Token, c.Params...)
15 }
16 // [...]
Then I reused my allocator for faster map keys and create the first built-in
replacing the put
keyword and the expr.Put
1// builtin provides functions that are built into the sophia language but are
2// written in pure go, they may interface with the sophia lang via AST
3// manipulation and by accepting AST nodes and returning values or nodes.
5// See docs/ for more information.
6package builtin
8import (
9 "os"
10 "sophia/core/alloc"
11 "sophia/core/consts"
12 "sophia/core/serror"
13 "sophia/core/shared"
14 "sophia/core/token"
15 "sophia/core/types"
16 "strings"
19var sharedPrintBuffer = &strings.Builder{}
21func init() {
22 // [...]
23 consts.FUNC_TABLE[alloc.NewFunc("println")] = func(tok *token.Token, args ...types.Node) any {
24 sharedPrintBuffer.Reset()
25 shared.FormatHelper(sharedPrintBuffer, args, ' ')
26 sharedPrintBuffer.WriteRune('\n')
27 os.Stdout.WriteString(sharedPrintBuffer.String())
28 return nil
29 }
Usage Examples ###
Now some examples taken from docs/Embedding.
Linking strings.Split ####
1func init() {
2 // [...]
3 consts.FUNC_TABLE[alloc.NewFunc("strings-split")] = func(tok *token.Token, args ...types.Node) any {
4 if len(args) != 2 {
5 serror.Add(tok, "Argument error", "Expected exactly 2 argument for strings-split built-in")
6 serror.Panic()
7 }
8 v := args[0].Eval()
9 str, ok := v.(string)
10 if !ok {
11 serror.Add(tok, "Error", "Can't split target of type %T, use a string", v)
12 serror.Panic()
13 }
15 v = args[1].Eval()
16 sep, ok := v.(string)
17 if !ok {
18 serror.Add(tok, "Error", "Can't split string with anything other than a string (%T)", v)
19 serror.Panic()
20 }
22 out := strings.Split(str, sep)
24 // sophia lang runtime only sees arrays containing
25 // elements whose types were erased as an array.
26 r := make([]any, len(out))
27 for i, e := range out {
28 r[i] = e
29 }
31 return r
32 }
This maps the strings.Split
function from the go standard library to the
sophia function. All functions defined with the KFI have access
to the callees token and all its arguments, for instance:
1(strings-split "Hello World" "")
2;; token: strings-split
3;; n: "Hello World", " "
The token
parameter points to strings-split
, n
contains 0 or more
arguments to the call, here its ["Hello World", " "]
typeof ####
We can do whatever go and the sophia lang type system allow. You can print an expressions type without evaluating it:
1consts.FUNC_TABLE[alloc.NewFunc("typeof")] = func(tok *token.Token, n ...types.Node) any {
2 if len(n) != 1 {
3 serror.Add(tok, "Argument error", "Expected exactly 1 argument for typeof built-in")
4 serror.Panic()
5 }
6 return fmt.Sprintf("%T", n[0])
And call this function from sophia:
1$ cat test.phia; echo "------"; sophia test.phia
2(println (typeof #[1 "test" test 25.0]))
3(println (typeof true))
4(println (typeof "test"))
5(println (typeof 12))
6(println (typeof { key: "value" }))
Consequences ###
- calling built-in functions is less expensive than calling sophia functions, simply because the go runtime manages the callstack, scope, etc… => high performance for often used operationes, very nice
- removal of the
Removing the JavaScript target ##
I removed the JavaScript target because I grew tired of maintaining a secondary
backend while not using it for anything. Thus I stripped the Node.CompileJs(b *strings.Builder)
function from the Node
interface and removed the function
from all expressions.
In the same breath I cleaned the configuration and cli flags up: I removed the
and -tokens
flags and merged them under the -dbg
flag. I also
removed the -target
flag, simply because its not used anymore. All of these
were also removed from the core.Config
Planned features ##
Regarding Modules
Do not worry, i havent forgotten about last weeks planned feature. Its a big feature and I’m still experimenting with the way i want to implement and design syntax.Embedding the sophia programming language ###
I plan to enable the embedding of the sophia programming language runtime into go application by a singular call and make it configurable to include links to functions written in go via the new KFI feature, this will look something like:
1package main
3import (
4 "sophia"
5 "sophia/core/types"
6 "sophia/core/token"
9func fib(n float64) float64 {
10 bLast := 0.0
11 last := 1.0
12 for i := 0.0; i < n-1; i++ {
13 t := bLast + last
14 bLast = last
15 last = t
16 }
17 return last
20func main() {
21 sophia.Embed(sophia.Configuration{
22 Kfi: map[string]func(*token.Token, ...types.Node) any {
23 "fib": func(tok *token.Token, args ...types.Node) any {
24 if len(args) != 1 {
25 serror.Add(tok, "Argument error", "Expected exactly 1 argument")
26 serror.Panic()
27 }
28 ev := args[0].Eval()
29 in, ok := ev.(float64)
30 if !ok {
31 serror.Add(args[0].GetToken(), "Type error", "Expected float64 got %T", ev)
32 serror.Panic()
33 }
34 return fib(in)
35 }
36 }
37 })