I found the default clang language server does not adhere to the latest C
standard (c23) and therefore cries about the use of bool
- which is a new
keyword in c231. Since I am using neovim and its lsp
2, its a quick fix, at least with my config3.
I am using a nightly build of neovim, some apis and/or options may not be available in the latest stable build:
1NVIM v0.11.0-dev-2074+gc982608226
2Build type: Release
3LuaJIT 2.1.1741730670
4Run "nvim -V1 -v" for more info
Previously I just kept a list of language servers I need and neovim does the rest (if the binary is installed and has the executable bit - mind you).
1-- dotfiles/nvim/lua/teo/lsp.lua
2local lspconfig = require "lspconfig"
3local lsps = {
4 "rust_analyzer",
5 "gopls",
6 "ts_ls",
7 "html",
8 "cssls",
9 "lua_ls",
10 "clangd" -- this is removed in the next step
11 "hls"
13for _, lsp in pairs(lsps) do
14 lspconfig[lsp].setup {}
I didn’t think about the need of setting specific options for a single one of
these, so I just define clangd
and its option by hand - I dont need to
overengineer this:
1lspconfig.clangd.setup {
2 init_options = {
3 fallbackFlags = { '--std=c23' }
4 },